
Friday, August 13, 2010

Chicago - CHA (or Day Two & Three)

On day two & three of our Chicago trip we spent the majority of our time at CHA (Craft & Hobby Association) convention.
At the convention center before we stepped inside to all the madness.

Maria winning a SCOR-PAL as a door prize. Hello, what about me? The person who wanted to go to CHA in the first place. Did I win anything? Anything at all? Of course not. Some people have all the luck. Lucky beee.yeee.ahhh.tch. No, Im not bitter. Not bitter at all.

My Copic instructor, Jennie Lin Black, who stopped everything so she could give me a smile for the camera.

Lydia (Understandblue) from SCS. I didn't know who she was until a person standing next to me at the make'n'take asked her. Then I was like "Oh you're Understandblue!" Yes, Im very smart and smooth like that.
Beate from SCS. Beate is the tall gal and Im sorry I don't know who the other gal was, but I heard Beate's accent and got all excited. Of course I was too shy to go up to her and introduce myself. Yup, Im slapping myself in the head now.

Moxie fab Cath from Papercrafts magazine!!  I felt like such a groupie-stalker asking her to take a picture with me but seriously it's CATH!!! Moxie faba-licous!!

Sweet Jane, one of the owners from Papertrey Ink.  Doesn't she have a wonderful smile? Just wanted to ask if you need another partner? Or a packer at the warehouse? I promise not to drool all over the stamps. Or cardstock. Or dies. Or buttons. Or ribbons...

Thanks to everyone coming to visit my blog and take a look at the pictures. It would be really awesome if you can leave a comment (see that button down there that says Post a Comment? Just click on it and start typing about how wonderful and witty I am). Yes, Im specifically talking about you Maria, who likes to call me up afterwards and tell me she read my post but didn't LEAVE A COMMENT. Wait til' you have your own blog missy! And by the way, how's that coming along? The PTI forum wants to know.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful trip to CHA! You certainly had a grand time.

  2. Hi Nadine,

    Nice "trip-report" :) Was fun reading and seeing the pictures even if I don't know you :)

    Good to know about the shaka-thingy - if I come to Hawaii one day I will remember only to do a single one!


  3. More great pics Nadine! I love the one of Maria and the Scor-Pal. Keep bugging her about the blog and let us all know when she has one up and running.

  4. You ARE wonderful and witty, Nadine! And I'm one of those guilty of visiting your blog and thinking it's great, but not leaving a comment--so sorry! I am totally enjoying your trip pics and write-ups! You did so much! I am enjoying it vicariously through you.

  5. PS. Love the flowers in your hair! You Hawaii girls do it right!

  6. I love comments too! I think thats totally normal. I too would like to pack the goods at PTI, unfortunately I have no desire to live in Cincinnati.


Thanks for coming by!